Facilitation Methodology from the Experiential Learning Experts
What drives you? What inspires you? What lifts your spirit and makes it soar? What holds you back? Explore some of these alluring questions on Nomad’s experiential learning programs.
Play, Connect, Learn
Our programs develop, inspire, challenge, teach and connect groups of all ages. PLAY, CONNECT, LEARN. It is as easy as that! See how it works:
The power of play. Play stimulates our imaginations, helping us adapt and solve problems. Play arouses curiosity, which leads to discovery and creativity.
The components of play—curiosity, discovery, novelty, risk-taking, trial and error, pretense, games, social etiquette, and other increasingly complex adaptive activities—are the same as the components of learning.
Play is one of the most effective tools for keeping relationships fresh and exciting. Playing together for the fun of it brings joy, vitality, and resilience to relationships. Play can also heal resentments, disagreements, and hurts. Through regular play, we learn to trust one another and feel safe.
Our programs are design to find just the right balance of challenge and opportunity for your team.
We use the 3E approach:
1. Engagement
Beyond just keeping participants active, we have them curious and intrigued and create strong buy in with the group.
2. Experience
On our programs, participants go beyond cognitive understanding into full immersion of their learning experience.
3. Enquire
Our programs include reflection, investigation, asking, probing and examining an experience. This allows participants to connect their experience with learning objectives, deepen personal learning and support the transference of learning back into the workplace or their lives.
On our team building programs we combine outdoor activities and group experiential learning exercises with some powerful concepts to encourage personal exploration.
Our aim is to foster shifts in thinking that reveal fresh perspectives and challenge blind spots in order to illuminate new possibilities. Expect to impress yourself, laugh at yourself and even surprise yourself.
In our program designs, we employ the Adult Learning Principle because we understand that adults:
- Learn best through practice and making mistakes
- Learn easiest what is already familiar
- Enjoy various learning stimuli
- Need to understand what they are learning
We use the “Inside-Out” approach as described by Stephen Covey in 7 habits; Personal and interpersonal effectiveness starts first with oneself.
To create a perfect learning experience, we use Dynamic Debriefing techniques developed by Dr Roger Greenaway. This simple yet powerful method helps participants to translate words into action, try out ideas, make decisions happen, and turn plans into reality.