Established since 1994, Nomad Adventure is a team of professional, committed and positive people who are in the business of providing extraordinary adventure experiences to our clients.

PHONE: +6016 201 1219

E-MAIL: [email protected]


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Our History & Awards

Our Historical Landmarks

Copy of Nomad Milestones (Poster)

Our Certifications & Awards:

Rescue 3 International

Nomad Adventure staff are Rescue 3 International certified in Wilderness first aid, Swiftwater Rescue and Rope rescue training.

International Rafting FederationInternational Rafting Federation:

Our trip leaders are also certified for Grade 3 whitewater rafting trip leading by the IRF.

Tourism Malaysia AwardTourism Malaysia Award:

  • Most Innovative Nature & Adventure Tour 2009, for our Mountain School
  • Best Tour Package Nature & Adventure 2014/2015

President's AwardPresident’s Award:

Perak Tourism Association’s President’s Award 2009 for Earth Camp

VLM Adventure ConsultantsVLM Adventure Consultants:

VLM Adventure Consultants has been our technical advisor since 2011. They conduct an annual audit of our high ropes and climbing facilities, equipment and practices.