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Team Building Programs

Learning Themes

When designing our team building programs, we use adult learning principles to define and “marry” a learning need to its most appropriate solution. Adults learn better from experience; where they actively participate, organize and work things out for themselves. Adults favor a pragmatic approach; they want to learn things that have immediate relevance and where they can apply the learning to solve a specific problem.

We use an array of learning themes that have been well established through research to provide a conceptual framework for understanding and developing solutions.

Power of Play

Our society tends to dismiss play for adults. Play is perceived as unproductive or even silly. The notion is that once we reach adulthood, it’s time to get serious. In fact, numerous studies have shown that adults often undervalue the power of play. We would all agree that play lifts stress from us. It refreshes us and recharges us. It restores our optimism and mental health. It changes our perspective, stimulating creativity. It renews our ability to accomplish the work of the world. Any time you think play is a waste, remember that it offers serious benefits for your team.

ABCDE of Problem Solving

The ability to solve problems effectively or to make good decisions is vital for success. This simple 5-step model – Asking questions, Brainstorming, Choosing a solution, Decide and Do, Evaluate – gives teams a useful tool that encourages collaborative working, and helps eliminate bias, preconceptions and misunderstandings. Team members also learn the process is one of continuous improvement. The goal is not to solve but to evolve, adjusting the solution continually as new challenges emerge, through repeating the ABCDE Process.

DISC communication styles

The DISC model divides people into four main behavioral styles that are easy to understand and recognize in ourselves and others. In our experiential program, you won’t be sitting through a boring lecture!  DISC creates a common language and a self-awareness to better understand ourselves and others. This training will allow you to capitalize on the diverse strengths of your team. Participants will learn how to communicate more effectively, work together more productively, and become the positive, energetic contributors you need to thrive.


Setting SMART goals means you can clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, use your time and resources productively, and increase your chances of achieving what you want in life. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-based. Each element works together to create a goal that is carefully planned, clear and trackable. Working toward a poorly-crafted goal can feel daunting and unachievable. Creating SMART goals can help solve these problems. Whether you’re setting personal or professional goals, the SMART goal framework helps you succeed.

The Growth Mindset

A fixed mindset assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens which we can’t change in any way. Growth mindset on the other hand, thrives on challenges and sees failures as a learning experience for growth. People exhibiting this mindset do not mind putting in effort. They take feedback positively and can adapt to develop new strategies for success. A growth mindset will breed a team that embraces challenges instead of avoiding it and persists in the face of adversity instead of giving up.

Adair’s Action Centered Leadership

John Adair’s famous ‘three circles’ model is one of the most recognisable symbols within management theory. Action Centred Leadership is a simple leadership and management model, which makes it easy to remember, apply and adapt to your own situation. Having command of the three areas and finding the right balance according to the situation is the mark of a successful manager and leader. Practicing these skills will get results, build morale, improve quality, develop teams and productivity.

The Leadership Challenge

The Leadership Challenge is considered one of the most trusted sources of leadership wisdom, updated to address today’s realities. Backed by over 30 years of research, Kouzes and Posner explain five practices that all great leaders engage in, as well as ten commitments of exemplary leadership.  Their work has been recognized as the gold-standard manual for effective leadership. With deep insight into the complex interpersonal dynamics of the workplace, TLC positions leadership as a skill to be learned, and as a relationship that must be nurtured to reach its full potential.


Ikigai is a Japanese term that means “the reason for being”. Ikigai is about finding your life’s purpose. It is what keeps you motivated to plough through the day despite all the challenges you encounter. In this volatile and uncertain world, the IKIGAI framework is a tool of self-discovery that can help us find our path. It can guide us to have alignment and clarity around the critical questions of:​ What do I love? (passion), What am I good at? (vocation), What can I be paid for? (profession) and What does the world need? (mission). Every high functioning team needs to find their team’s ikigai.

The Change Curve

The Change Curve is a powerful model used to understand the stages of personal transition and organisational change. It can help people predict how their teams will react to change. It helps us develop empathy for others, and ensures team members learn to give their colleagues the help and support they need..
    By understanding the organizational change curve and adapting your approach based on the stage people are at, it will make it easier for you to support your people through times of turmoil. This in turn will increase the likelihood of any transition and adaptation being successful.

Mobile team building for any location

Here is a sample of 9 unique mobile team building that we can conduct in person at any location. Our team bonding programs are usually half day or one full day. Our team building events are minimum one day and maximum 5 days long.

These activities can also be combined with our Adventure-based team building, but in that case, they must be at locations where we have conducted risk assessments and drawn up safety audits and emergency plans.

Laughter Yoga

Laughter yoga offers a fun-filled session where everyone sets aside some time to focus on their wellbeing, while learning important lessons about positive thinking and the power of play. It also helps to develop optimism, enhances communication skills and helps people easily connect with each other.

Drum Circle

Drum Circles create a fun-filled participatory musical event providing drums for participants who join together in a “drum corral” to create an exciting, interactive community drum circle celebration. Musically accessible to everyone, our facilitators create a dynamic, rhythm-charged group experience

Mountain Bike Clinic

Balancing on two wheels, feeling the breeze on your face – these are the simple pleasures of cycling that don’t need explanation. Yet most people never get coached in proper mountain biking skills. For this fun fitness program, we need an open field to set up simple but effective obstacles that will accelerate skill learning.

Portable Low Ropes Course

Our portable low elements consist of a series of obstacles and challenges 12 to 18 inches above the ground. They present tests of agility and teamwork, and invite participants to confront such emotional issues as the fear of falling, the fear of failure, and the fear of losing control. Trust, cooperation, planning and communication are consistent outcomes from this program.

Team Initiatives and Problem Solvers (TIPS)

With TIPs you’ll actively turn teamwork into results — learning new team techniques for reducing errors, increasing production, inspiring innovation and boosting your bottom line. Our aim: to help you decipher, experientially, the “puzzle of teamwork”. Because building high-performance teams at work is a puzzle

Recipe for Success

Cooking gatherings and culinary team building are hot, hot, hot, and a great way to bring people together. Cooking together is a fantastic way of getting to bond with your colleagues. Regardless of how skilled you are in the kitchen at home, this group challenge will offer a new experience. It is a terrific way to excel in a new sphere and, oh, and it tastes good too!

Green team building and CSR

It is highly beneficial to all employees to fully understand and support the company’s long term sustainability and CSR objectives. We create interactive team-building challenges that are designed to be imaginative and fun, to strengthen an individual’s commitment to these goals and to maintain momentum in these sustainability or CSR strategies.

Team Click: The Photo Scavenger Hunt

Teams race to collect photos of hilarious and surprising subjects, with the craziest treasure hunt clues ever assembled! . Thinking on their feet and developing creative solutions are both necessary tools to tackle the far-out assortment of crazy treasure hunt challenges. “Team Click” is a high-energy and laughter-loaded exercise, where hunting for hilarity combines with great team-building

Thematic team building

We weave imaginative storylines through the team-building event in order to highlight learning outcomes with a large helping of good, clean and colourful fun. We create a caper that takes participants on a non-stop mission with many active and hilarious challenges where they have to employ their ingenuity and collaboration skills.