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Facilitation Methodology

The Power of Laughter has been widely recognized for its healing benefits. Employees will learn how to strengthen their immune system, raise their levels of self-confidence, and cultivate their personal expression further by stepping beyond their limitations. Created by Dr Madan Kataria from India, there are now over 6000 laughter clubs in over 60 countries. Laughter yoga is often used in corporate training to create positive attitude and team unity as well as for stress management and corporate wellness programs. Laughter Yoga

What does IKIGAI mean? Ikigai is a Japanese term that means “the reason for being” or “the reason to live”. According to Japanese culture, all people have their Ikigai, a reason to get up every morning and be happy. Ikigai is about finding your life's purpose. It is what keeps you motivated to plough through the day despite all the challenges you encounter. Ikigai is a tool of self-discovery that allows you to reflect on four critical questions that can help us

1-1 Walking & Talking   Here is an interesting technique that builds connections between the members of your group. The kinesthetic nature of this activity will energize your participants as well. You will need sufficient space for partners to walk together without bumping into others.Begin by inviting everyone to partner with someone they do not know yet. Explain to them that they are to take a three-minute stroll together and to find out three things about each other that they have in common.   Encourage

The growth vs fixed mindset understanding stems from the work of psychologist Carol Dweck, in her book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success”. She explains that a fixed mindset assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens which we can’t change in any way. People exhibiting this mindset tend to avoid challenges and give up easily when faced with an obstacle. As a result, they may plateau early and achieve less than their full potential. Growth mindset, on